


With deep regret we announce the death of Mr, Joseph Elliot, which took place on Sunday last at his residence, Elberton House, Halswell Terrace, Newport Road, Cardiff, in his seventy-second year. The deceased gentleman, who had been in failing health for a long time, only took to his bed about a fortnight ago, when he complained of extreme weakness and general debility. The symptoms, however, becoming alarming, Dr. Evans, the medical advisor of the family, was summoned, and later on Dr. Price. Mr. Elliott, however, daily grew weaker, and quietly passed away about two o'clock on Sunday morning.

Mr. Elliott was a native of Elberton, in Gloucestershire, but spent the greater portion of his long life in the town of his adoption. More than 60 years ago he entered the service of his uncle, the late Mr. Charles Milner, who at that time carried on a provision and milling business at the old stream mill which formerly stood on a plot of ground opposite the Western Buildings. A few years later, with a view to improving his position, Mr. Elliott accepted a situation at the company's shop, Varteg, Monmouthshire, where he remained for a few years. Moving, however, by this time amassed some money he returned to Cardiff and opened a provision shop in Bute Road. The venture proving a success, Mr. Elliott subsequently removed to larger premises In Herbert Street, and from thence to the Bute Docks, where, since 1862, he has carried on the business of a ship chandler and rope manufacturer. A few years ago he took his two sons-Mr. Joseph and Mr. Henry Elliott - into partnership, and the firm now trades under the style of J. Elliott and Sons.

Mr. Elliott's public career commenced in 1854. when he was elected a member for the South Ward, but lost his seat at the next election. In 1864 he re-entered the council as a representative of the same ward, and in 1875 was elected an alderman. In 1876-7 he was appointed mayor of the borough, the most noticeable events during his year of office being the opening of the new Canton Bridge and the banquet given by the Corporation of Cardiff to Sir Thomas White, then Lord Mayor of the City of London, on his return from the Rhondda Valley, where he had distributed the Mansion House Fund for the benefit of the sufferers and heroes of the never-to-be-forgotten Tynewydd explosion. About five years ago Mr Elliott resigned his seat in tle council chamber, and since this time has taken no part in public affairs. Mr, Elliott, was for many years a prominent member of the Wesleyan body, and was one of the first members of Loudoun Square Wesleyan Chapel. Latterly, however, he attended Heath Road Chapel, and at the time of his death was one of the trustees. He was a governor of the Cardiff Infirmary, and for many years took a very prominent part in the development of Oddfellowship in this district. Mr.Elliott, although a liberal in politics, was not obtrusive and his genial face will be missed by old Cardiffians, more especially those engaged at the Docks. The funeral is arranged to take place at the New Cemetery, Cardiff.

SOURCE: The Western Mail 19th November 1889


The mortal remains of Mr. Joseph Elliott, of Halswell Terrace, Newport Road, Cardiff, were interred on Thursday at the New Cemetery. The coffin, which was of polished oak and covered with handsome wreaths, bore the following inscription: -"Joseph Elliott, died November 19, 1889; aged 72 years." The chief mourners were, in the first carriage, Messrs. W. Elliott, Ireson, and J. M'Curnow; second carriage, Messrs. Thomas Elliott and J. Milner, Captain Robinson, and Dr. Evans (Charles-street) third carriage, Revs. E. Dodds, S. J. P. Dunman, and George Hackler, Wesleyan ministers. Mr, Elliott was a trustee of the Roath Road Wesleyan Chapel, and among his brother trustees who attended the funeral were Messrs. Lewis Williams, J. Hibbert, James Wood, R. P. Kernick, J. N. Knapp, and D. Sheppard. There were also present when the procession moved off from The house Aldermen Lewis, Jacobs and Cory, and councillors Trounce, Proger, Reynolds, and Gibbs; Messrs. Rees Jones, William Price, Clive Hall; David Roberts, D.R. Roberts, J.A.B. Williams, and Trice. Other members of the county council who were unable to reach thehouse, in time in consequence of a general purposes committee meeting proceeded direct to the cemetery. The Rev. E. Dodds officiated. The funeral arrangements were carried out satisfactorily by Messrs. Palmer and Co, Frederick Street.

SOURCE: The Western Mail 22nd November 1889