Sydney Dan JENKINS,



The funeral of Mr Sydney Dan Jenkins, of, Richmond-road, Cardiff, whose sudden death was announced by us on Saturday, took place on Tuesday. Mr Jenkins had been for some time connected with the Roath-road Wesleyan Chapel, and the funeral cortege on leaving deceased's residence proceeded to that chapel, when a portion of the burial service was performed. In addition to the immediate relatives and friends who followed the hearse in mourning coaches, a number of merchants, brokers, etc., from the docks, tradesmen and others in the town, assembled in front of the house, and preceded the corpse to the chapel. Among them were Mr J. Cory. Mr Rees Jones, Mr Lewis Williams, Col. Martin, Mr J. A. le Boulanger, Mr E. C. Downing. Mr W. J. Trounce, Mr P. Morel, Mr W. Grice, Mr D. Roberts, Mr J. Gunn, Mr J. Williams, Mr W. Frazer, Mr Earle, Mr W. Price, Mr Wesley Price, Mr G. E. Stowe, Mr It. Davies, Alderman Stone, etc., etc. The pulpit in the chapel was draped in black. There was also a large congregation, many of whom, especially the ladies, were dressed in mourning. The service Was con- ducted by the Rev R, F. Cape, the superintendent of the circuit, assisted by the Rev J. Stringar and Mr Lewis Williams. At the close of the service, and before the last hymn was sung, the Rev Mr Cape delivered a short address, in which he referred to the many excellent qualities of the deceased, and the loss which the town, and especially their own church, had sustained by his death. The coffin, the lid of which was almost concealed beneath a large number of wreaths of rare flowers, was then lifted on the shoulders of the bearers, and while the Dead March" in Saul was being played on the organ, the body was slowly carried out of the chapel, placed in the hearse, and the cortege proceeded to the New Cemetery, where the concluding portion of the burial service was made over the grave of the deceased by the Rev. Mr Cape. Besides the mourning coaches, a number of the carriages of gentlemen residing it town followed the funeral procession to the New Cemetery. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Mr G. A. Stone, and carried out by him most satisfactorily.

SOURCE: South Wales Echo 1st April 1885