I have no idea what these are, but the recent wet weather seems to brought out a load of fungi fruits. Any help on identification, please contact us on E-mail: cathayscemetery@gmail.com
A selection of excellent photos taken at the Cemetery has been received from Jonathan Prior, who has given us permission to display on our website.
Turkey tail (Trametes versicolor) |
The following species were spotted on a walk organised by Poppy Nicol of the Global Gardens Project.
Milky Cone Cap - Conocybe apala (A) | Lagi Spore |
Sepia Bolete | Giant Polyspore |
Lurid Bolete - Boletus luridus | Lesser Puffball |
The Deceiver - Laccaria laccata | Common Fieldcap - Agrocybe pediades |
(A) Photo by (https://www.first-nature.com)
I have no idea what these are, but the recent wet weather seems to brought out a load of fungi fruits. Any help on identification, please contact us on E-mail: cathayscemetery@gmail.com
The following species have been seen at different times in the Cemetery:
Plums & Custard (Tricholomopsis Rutilans) (1) | Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma Fasiculare) (1) |
Common Puffball (Lycoperdon Perlatum) (1) | Coral Fungus (Ramarai Pallida) (1) |
Common Inkcap (Coprinus Atramentarius) (1) | Common Funnel Cap (Clitocybe Gibba) (1) |
Wrinkled Club (Clavulina Rugosa) | Waxcap (Hygrocybe insipida) (1) |
Smokey Spindles (Clavaria fumosa) (1) | Apricot Club (Clavulinopsis luteoalba) (1) |
Common Funnel Cap (Clitocybe gibba) (1) | Pink or Ballerina waxcap (Hygrocybe calyptriformis) (1) |
Butter waxcap (Hygrocybe ceracea) (1) | Clouded Funnel or Clouded Agaric (Clitocybe nebularis) (1) |
(1) Photo by Annie Irving (http://sconzani.blogspot.co.uk)
Why not send us your interesting photos of Mushrooms and Fungi taken in Cathays Cemetery.
You can reach us at E-mail: cathayscemetery@gmail.com