Illustrated Talk - Mary K Jones & John F Wake - Death on a Gravestone, 11th February 2025

Partly a Book Launch and partly an update on current projects.

A Talk with a difference. And included some cool recitals from the new book by Geraint from the A48 Group.

A good sized crowd was treated to the experiences and ideas behind the two authors approach to a murder spanning from the 1890s to the 2020s.

Chapel Doors Restored, 12th January 2025

Don't know if you've noticed but the Non-Conformist Chapel Doors have taken a pounding from the weather and required repairing and revarnishing.

Bereavement Services have been on the case and as you can see from the photo below they have made a brilliant job of the restoration.

Photo by kind permission of Ted Richards

Remembrance Service Western Cemetery, Cardiff 14th November 2024

The fourth annual service organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services again with special thanks to Carmel Thomas was held at the Cross of Sacrifice in Western Cemetery, Cardiff. It was led by Canon Jan Gould and included the following representatives: Councillor Norma Mackie, Cabinet Member for Wales; 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh; Martin Birch, Employees of City of Cardiff Council; The Residents of Cardiff West; Ivor Lippett on behalf of Cathays Cemetery; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; 1st Queens Dragoon Guards; the Royal Marines Association; Haig Housing Veterans Association; The South Wales Police Ely Neighbourhood Policing Team; and pictured below children from the Hywel Dda Primary School & Ysgol Coed y Gof. The service was excellently led by Rev James Henley. The bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD, Director of Music RAF St Athan.

The Annual Bill Mosley Memorial Lecture - Tuesday 12 November 2024

This year, Simon Morgan of Morgan Consult & Architectural Stone gave an extraordinarily interesting illustrated talk on the Shield mounted on the front entrance gate. He explained how this predominantly hand carved item was researched, designed, produced and mounted, using expert stone masons. Which I think you must agree brings the Gates back to their former glory.

Remembrance Service Cathays Cemetery 12th November 2024

The annual service organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services with special thanks to Carmel Thomas was held at the Cross of Sacrifice in Cathays Cemetery. The gathering went very well, led by Fr James Henley and included the following representatives: Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Helen Lloyd Jones; 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh; Councillor Norma Mackie, Cabinet Member for Wales; Martin Birch, Bereavement Services Manager; Jean Sanford on behalf of the Friends of Cathays Cemetery; Neil Lewis , Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Mr & Mrs Birch, Royal Marines Association; Tim Hillard, 42 Command (Royal Marines). Mr Alan Barter also laid a wreath on behalf of the Barter family on the plaque to Capt Barter VC. Finally below are photos of the three schools present, Allensbank Primary School, Gladstone Primary School and Ysgol Mynydd Bychan. The bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD, Director of Music RAF St Athan.

Waxcaps found in the Upper Cemetery - Tuesday 12 November 2024

With my newly-honed skills of identification from the Fungi Walk, I am proud to announce that I was able to identify a collection of 15 or so Butter waxcaps present in the Upper Cemetery in Section E-A. As far as I know this is the first sighting of this species in this part of the Cemetery. It seems we are completing our Conservation correctly. Well done to Denise.

Similarly, in the Lower Cemetery by Allenbank Road, we removed a log on the advice of Peter Sturgess and we spotted a Black waxcap now growing on the site where the log had been.

Fungi Walk - Joint Friends of Cathays Cemetery-Wildlife Trust South West and Wales Event - Saturday 2 November 2024

A big thank you for Rob Pickford, WTSWW and Gareth Stamp, community park ranger, for organising a marvellous event.

We were treated to a display of over 20 species of waxcaps, along with other fungi on a two hour walk around the Cemetery.

Over 40 people joined us from both societies, sharing in the delights of finding the elusive fungi. A great day out.

Heritage Walk Event - 20 September 2024

Roger Swan ex-Cardiff Bereavement Services drew in a reasonably sized crowd of 40 plus people even though the weather was horrendous. But the weather eased and the walk was conducted mostly in the dry.

Another great attraction - the Cathays Honey was again on sale at the Event in the Chapels, and stock sold out quickly.

Green Flag Raising & Heritage Award Event - 08 October 2024

The Cardiff Bereavement Services needs to be congratulated for another award of the prestigious annual Green Flag for their work around the Cemetery.

This year we were accompanied by volunteers from the Making a Difference Lloyd Bank group, the FoCC Walking group and Our Cabinet Member Councillor Norma Mackie.

Open Doors Event - 08 September 2024

The overcast weather didn't stop over a hundred people attending our Open Doors event and 40 people joined us for a Gordon Hindess led-walk around the Cemetery.

This was the first time in a number of years that that people could again view the model of the Catholic Chapels kindly donated by Roger Martin and the first time a 1970s architects drawing of the same Chapel, donated by Cardiff University Library could be viewed.

A Colourful Show At Cathays - 23 July 2024

Walking along the pathway by Fairoak Road one cannot help but notice the splash of colour from the newly-planted wild flower beds ...

And the Evening Primroses starting to flourish..

A little further in from the road the delightful Rowen berries in multiple colours of Red, Orange, Yellow and Brown...

And don't forget the intriguing Indian Bean Tree with its lengthy pods ...

Time for a visit before the Blooms disappear?

A48 - Graveyard Voices July 2024

Three spectacular acting performance again this year from the A48 group. A complete sell-out of 150 attendees attains to the popularity of this amazing event. The Behind the Scenes staff included Co-Ordinator ,Kathy Thomas; Director, Ray Thomas; and Costumes, Mari Gruffydd. This year's rendition included Kernick & Son, Margaret Morewood, Madame Claire Darras, Lillian Vearncombe, John Batchelor, William Brangwyn, DR Henry Paine, Samuel Chiver’s Leg, Minnie McGuire, Marie Dahl, amongst others and a visit to the Chapels.

Midsummer Walk - Tuesday June 18th 2024

Again blessed by the weather and an attendence of 30 plus, we were presented with a spectacular array of personalities and nature topics as we strolled around the Cemetery led by our own , Gordon Hindess. This year's array of topics included the Bier House, Cedar of Lebanon, Lilian May Verncombe, Marie Dahl and Mary Cecely Polglaze, amongst many.

Nature Survey - Joint Friends of Cathays Cemetery-Highfields Church, Cathays Event - Saturday June 9th 2024

Continuing our Nature theme today we were invited to participate in the churches-count-on-nature project conducted by the Caring for God's Acre group. The weather stayed kind and the Survey was conducted in Cathays Cemetery by Local Ecologist, Peter Sturgess with a small crowd of 10 eager participants. The survey counted over 160 different species of plants and animals including a pregnant slow worm among 6 or 7 found. It also included a speciman of Orchid. An extremely informative and interesting day.

The Orchid - yet to flower.

Butterfly Walk - Joint Friends of Cathays Cemetery-South West and Wales Wildlife Trust Event - Sunday June 2nd 2024

Rob Pickford & Diane of the South West and Wales Wildlife Trust, organised a leisurely morning walk around the Cemetery. We spotted a number of species of butterflies, including Woodland Brown, Holly Blue and Small Cabbage White Butterflies in the glorious sunshine.

Illustrated Talk 7 pm Rob Pickford - Reversing the decline of nature in Cardiff - The approach of the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales - Tuesday May 21st

An inquisitive audience of around 26 people came along for a very interesting talk by Rob Pickford about the state of wildlife not only in Carfiff but also the whole of Wales . He outined the role played by the WTSWW on the Welsh, Uk and International scene. An eye-opening account of the current state of wildlife and what the WTSSW is doing about it and hopes to do about it in the future.

Bird Walk - Joint Friends of Cathays Cemetery-South West and Wales Wildlife Trust Event - Wednesday May 15th 2024

Rob Pickford of the South West and Wales Wildlife Trust, organised a fascinating morning walk around the Cemetery. Alex Griffith, a bird expert also of the Trust led the walk on which we spotted over 15 different species of birds, including chiff-chaffs and Green Woodpeckers. Around 20 people join us for the visit. We also checked the bird boxes for mating birds as we were just coming into the Season. A great morning out, in the glorious sunshine, can't wait for the upcoming butterfly walk.

Heritage Walk led by Roger Swan 21st April 2024

Like last year, about 100 people joined Roger Swan and Amanda Eades on a warm day for the first guided walk of year. A very pleasant and informative talk. The Chapel was open after the event for viewing and book sales. Again a great start to the new Season.

Jacob Scott Matthews - Nicholas Davey - Lecture 16th April 2024

Nick, a well-known member of the Roath area, gave a marvellous talk to over 30 attendees about his current research undertaken on the construction of Temperance Town in the 1850s and the fascinating story of Jacob Matthews life as a Florist and supplier of trees, shrubs and plants to major areas of Cardiff.

Moses White - Martyn Swain - 19th March 2024

Inspired by walking amongst the Grave markers and Monuments in Cathays Cemetery, Martyn, gave an entertaining talk to over 30 attendees about the story of the Cardiff Pilots and the adventures of Moses White.

Bill Mosley Memorial Annual Lecture : Amy Kitcher (CWGC) Gardening the Globe Tuesday November 14th

Amy Kitcher gave a very informative and interesting lecture on the horticultural history & practice of the Commonwealth Wargraves Commission. Highlighting aspects of Cathays and even naming the "Remembrance" rose on display in the upper cemetery that had been especially bred for its colour and appearance.

Remembrance Service Western Cemetery, Cardiff 9th November 2023

The third annual service organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services again with special thanks to Carmel Thomas was held at the Cross of Sacrifice in Western Cemetery, Cardiff. It included the following representatives: The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Bablin Molik; the 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh; Councillor Peter Bradbury Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty, Equality and Public Health on behalf of City of Cardiff Council; Martin Birch, Bereavement Services Manager on behalf of all employees of Cardiff City Council; Sandra Taylor on behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Mr Adams on behalf of 1st The Queens Dragoon Guards; Mr & Mrs Birch on behalf of the Royal Marines Association; Anthony Plank & Tracey Sott from Haig Housing Veterans Association; and Ivor Lippett Friends of Cathays Cemetery. Police Constable Rob Critcher and Police Sergeant Jake Lynch on behalf of South Wales Police Ely Neighbourhood Policing Team. Pupils from 2 local schools: Ysgol Coed y Gof & Hywel Dda Primary School. The service was excellently led by Rev James Henley. The bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD, Director of Music RAF St Athan.

Remembrance Service Cathays Cemetery 7th November 2023

The annual service organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services with special thanks to Carmel Thomas was held at the Cross of Sacrifice in Cathays Cemetery. The gathering went very well and included the following representatives: The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Bablin Molik; CSgt Will Casson-Smith 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh; Councillor Sarah Merry on behalf of City of Cardiff Council; Garry Bowles, Bereavement Services Team Leader on behalf of all employees of Cardiff City Council; Neil Lewis on behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Gary Lloyd on behalf of the Welsh Guards; Mr & Mrs Birch on behalf of the Royal Marines Association; Tim Hillard on behalf of 42 Command (Royal Marines) and Jean Sanford of Friends of Cathays Cemetery. Pupils from 3 local schools: Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, Gladstone Primary School, Allensbank Primary School. The service was excellently led by Rev James Henley. Ms Amanda Mitchell also laid a wreath at the plaque to Captain Frederick Barter VC on behalf of all members of the Barter Family. The bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD, Director of Music RAF St Athan.

Open Doors Event 10th September 2023

FoCC along with Cardiff Breavement Services held a very sucessful Ope Doors Event this year with both Chapels and both Vestries open to the Public. Around 100 people attended the event including over 20 children. A walk was also conducted by Gordon Hindess around the Cemetery with approx 25 people. A big thank you to all our members and the Public for their support on such a lovely day.

FoCC Funds Replcement Shield on Gates 20th July 2023

Here are a few photos of the new addition to the main cemetery gates on Fairoak Rd. A shield was fixed there last Thursday to replace one that was lost some years ago.

Only a blurred photo of the original shield could be found, but research showed that it was the coat-of-arms of Charles Croft Williams of Roath Court who was mayor of Cardiff and High Sheriff of Glamorgan when the cemetery opened in 1859.

The Friends were supported and assisted by Bereavement Services, and the shield itself was carved by Mossfords Memorial Masons.

Mossfords have produced a video of the Making & Installation of the Shield on the Cemetery Gates. It can be viewed here.

FoCC Mid-Summer Walk led by Gordon Hindess 20th June 2023

Over 50 people in attendance for the Annual Mid-Summer Walk, Gordon as usual gave a magnificent tour of stories of the "lesser-known" people buried around the Lower Cemetery. The well-researched tour included such people as Jonathan Billups, David Duncan, Chiver's leg, Billy James, William Curtis Brangwyn, John Alfred Rich, Capt Heinrich Baselow. Plus some of the outstanding trees found around the Cemetery and a brief look inside the Conformist Chapels.

A48 - Graveyard Voices Mid June 2023

Another very well attended and successful batch of performances by the A48, enacted over 3 gloriously sunny evenings.

Edging the City - An Talk by Peter Finch 23rd May 2023

Peter gave a fascinating talk to over 50 attendees about research undertaken during the Covid epidemic, where he kept within the City limits and travelled around the boundary of Cardiff. The subject of his latest fatastically interesting book, now available from all good book sellers.

Angels in the Line of Fire - An Illustrated Talk by Rosemary Chaloner 25th April 2023

A substantial turnout of over 30 people enjoyed a very well-researched talk on the Nursing profession during the two world wars by Rosemary Chaloner, a member of the local A48 writing group. It was the first lecture held by the Friends in the comfort of the Cathays Chapels, courtesy of the Cardiff Bereavement Services.

Heritage Walk led by Roger Swan 23rd April 2023

Over 100 people joined Roger in the sunshine for the first guided walk of year. A very pleasant and informative talk. The Chapel was open after the event for viewing and book sales. A great start to the new Season.

Remebrance Service - Visit by Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, 17th November 2022

Before the Remembrance Service held at Cathays Cemetery, John Farnhill took some local school children from Ysgol Mynydd Bychan to see various monuments for a school project the pupils are undertaking. We have received their kind permission to present these photographs.

Research into New Cemetery Train Station 11th November 2022

Bob Price has produced a YouTube video of his research into the mysterious Rhymney Railway Halt that was apparently built for use at the Cemetery.

Draw your own conclusions:

This is the link kindly supplied by Bob.

Remembrance Service Western Cemetery, Cardiff 10th November 2022

The second annual service organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services again with special thanks to Carmel Thomas was held at the Cross of Sacrifice in Western Cemetery, Cardiff. It included the following representatives: The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Graham Hinchey and his wife; WO1 (RSM) Alan Richardson 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh; Councillor Dan De'Ath Cabinet Member for Transport & Strategic Planning on behalf of City of Cardiff Council; Martin Birch, Bereavement Services Manager on behalf of all employees of Cardiff City Council; Tom Jennings on behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Mr Adams on behalf of 1st The Queens Dragoon Guards; Mr & Mrs Birch on behalf of the Royal Marines Association; Anthony Plank & Tracey Sott from Haig Housing Veterans Association; and Ivor Lippett Friends of Cathays Cemetery. Pupils from 2 local schools: Ysgol Coed y Gof & Hywel Dda Primary School. The service was excellently led by Rev Fanthorpe. The bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD, Director of Music RAF St Athan.

Lecture - The Cemetery Year 8th November 2022

Gordon Hindess gave a fantastic rendition of the Cemetery Year to an audience at the Cardiff University. The talk included many of Gordon's excellent photographic nature shots, which we hope to feature on this site.

Remembrance Service Cathays Cemetery 8th November 2022

The annual service organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services with special thanks to Carmel Thomas was held at the Cross of Sacrifice in Cathays Cemetery. The gathaering went very well and included the following representatives: The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Graham Hinchey and his wife; WO1 (RSM) Alan Richardson 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh; Councillor Dan De'Ath Cabinet Member for Transport & Strategic Planning on behalf of City of Cardiff Council; Martin Birch, Bereavement Services Manager on behalf of all employees of Cardiff City Council; Neil Lewis on behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Gary Lloyd on behalf of the Community Payback Scheme; Mr & Mrs Birch on behalf of the Royal Marines Association; Tim Hillard on behalf of 42 Command (Royal Marines) and Jean Sanford & Ivor Lippett Friends of Cathays Cemetery. Pupils from 3 local schools: Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, Gladstone Primary School, Allensbank Primary School.The service was excellently led by Rev Fanthorpe. Mr Alan Barter also laid a wreath at the plaque to Captain Frederick Barter VC on behalf of all members of the Barter Family. The bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD, Director of Music RAF St Athan.

Heritage Walk led by Roger Swan 23rd October 2022

An Excellent walk led by Roger Swan took place today. Around 30+ people braved the changeable weather to enjoy a sunny lunchtime walk around the outstanding monuments in the Cemetery.

This was followed by the annual sale of the delicious Cathays Cemetery honey.

Open Doors Event 11th September 2022

The Friends held a very sucessful Open Doors Events at the Chapels on Sunday. It attracted over 200 people and included 2 walks of approx 40 people on each, led by Gordon Hindess in the Morning and Paul Jones after Lunch. Many thanks to all the people who attended on the rather warm day.

It was the first time thst the newly restored Vesteries were on show to the Public. A few shots are included below.

Autumn Comes Early 26th August 2022

Due to the High Temperatures experienced over the last few weeks, nauture thinks that Autuwmn is already upon us.

The following photographs show the affects it is having on our environment.

Remembering Sgt Leonard Walter 26th July 2022

Sgt Leonard Walter Young of Tewkesbury Street died 80 years ago today, 26th July 1942, when the Lancaster bomber in which he was a gunner crashed shortly after take-off for a raid over Germany.

Last week the Friends were contacted by the chaplain to the port of Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands whose uncle was also a gunner on that flight. He was co-ordinating efforts to place a single red rose on the grave of each of the seven crew members who died. Five were buried at Coninsgby Cemetery in Lincolnshire, one in Felixstowe, and Leonard in Cathays.

So this morning, the Tuesday morning walking group gathered at the graveside and at 11am a rose was placed next to his headstone, at the same time as all the other roses on the other six headstones.

FoCC Midsummer Heritage Walk Tuesday 21st June 2022

On a very pleasant sunny evening, Gordon Hindess guided us on a tour of the interesting and varied gravestones along with their related stories in the Upper Cemetery. Its a couple of years since we've had a tour of this part of the Cemetery and was well worth the wait. Stories included the Blitz memorial, the Chinese war memorial and the multiple civilian losses during WW2.

Cathays Cemetery Heritage Trail and Tales - 7th, 9th, 12th June 2022

The Bereavement Services, Living Lines and A48 Theatre Company returned this year with its excellent presentation of Heritage Trail and Tales events. A presentation of the stories behind the people and events in the Cemetery and Cardiff. 3 sold-out magnificent and enlightening performances, enjoyed by all.

Zoom talk by Janine Marriott of the Arnos Vale Trust - 26 April 2022

Although of a similar Victorian date, Arnos Vale's history followed a totally different path to that of Cathays. Janine carefully descibed the history surrounding the Joint Stock Company set up in 1837 and opened in 1839 and the Underwood plan of the initial layout of the Cemetery. The 45 acres fell into neglect during the 1980s and 90s, leading to a compulsory purchase in 2003 and its following restoration. Cremations at the Cemetery took place between 1928 and 1989. The Cemetery also contains over 600 war graves. Janine finished her enlightening talk with a tour around some of the prominent graves in the Cemetery: William Budd - a doctor specialising in Cholera, Thomas Gadd Matthews - a grave between confirmists and congregationalists, Rajah Rammohun Roy - father of modern India, and Riched Hill & William Pullen - A murder of a policeman. The site is definitely worth a visit.

Guided walk by Roger Swann on behalf of the Cardiff Bereavement Services - 24 April 2022

Another beautiful day with an excellent turnout of about 100 people and an enlightening, as always, tour of the monuments of Cathays Cemetery Lower Cemetery by Roger Swann. Highlights included the Balloon Girl and the huge Bishop Hedley monuments.

Zoom talk by Stuart Orr of the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust - 8 March 2022

Tonight we were treated to a pictorial history of one of the most prestigious cemeteries in London. Stuart gave a fanatastic rendition of its history, from the architect Stephen Geary who designed the Cemetery in 1839, to the people buried in Cemetery including Karl Marx to the Rossettis. Some people he included were household names: Charles Cruft; Sir Rowland Hill (Penny Post); Douglas Adams; Jeremy Beadle; Bob Hoskings; George Michael. The most extraordinary gravestone must go to Patrick Caulfield (d2005) that just says "Dead". An exceptional talk.

John Henry Harding Dedication Ceremony - 23 November 2021

A special Dedication Ceremony, arranged by the Friends, John Farnhill, Martin Berkeley and descendants of John Harding, Cardiff Bereavement Services and Mossfords Monumental Masons, took place today at Cathays Cemetery to honour John Henry Harding of the 13th Light Dragoons who took part in, and survived, the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War.

The Event was attended by the Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Rod McKerlich; Lord Lt Morfudd Meredith; Tim Hill, great-great grandson and other descendants of John Henry Harding; Martin Berkeley, a retired officer of The Light Dragoons and Prof Paul Nicholson along with other representatives from Friends of Cathays Cemetery.

Photos below courtesy of Gordon Hindess & John Farnhill

An excellent summary of Events is available at Prnewslink

Remembrance Service - Western Cemetery - 12 November 2021

The Friends also took part in the first Annual Remembrance Service organised by Cardiff Bereavement Services to be held at Western Cemetery.

Photo courtesy of Cardiff Bereavement Services

Remebrance Service - 9 November 2021

The Friends took part in the Annual Remembrance Service organised by Cardiff Bereavement Services at Cathays Cemetery.

Photo courtesy of Cardiff Bereavement Services

Green Flag Raising Event - 17 November 2021

Today Councillor Michael Michael, Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment and The Friends, Ivor Lippett, along with Martin Birch of Cardiff Bereavment Services, conducted the Ceremonial raising of the prestigious Green Flag at Cathays Cemetery.

Bill Mosley Memorial Lecture - The Victorian Funeral : 1837-1901 by Dr Julian Litten FSA - 9 November 2021

Our guest speaker, Dr Julian Litten FSA gave us a fantastic pictorial rendition of the The Victorian Funeral this evening. Extremely interesting and informative, it was a fascinating insight to the funerary practices of the time to present day.

Heritage Walk led by Cardiff Bereavement Services - 24 October 2021

Roger Swan of the Bereavement Services led the Annual guided heritage tour of the most prominent graves in the Lower Cemetery. This was followed by the ever popular sale of honey from the Cathays Cemetery bees hives.

Launch of Cycle Hearse - 04 October 2021

Today at the Cemetery Ivor Thomas Funerals launched Cycle Hearse UK. A Battery powered assisted vehicle it has a range of over 10 miles.

Graveyard Voices - 29 June 2021

Welcome back to Graveyard Voices presented by Bereavement Services, Living Lines and A48 Theatre Company. An excellent presentation of 10 stories behind the people and events in the Cemetery and Cardiff. Lovely night and magnificent performances. Well Done, Everyone.

Yucca Plant - 29 June 2021

At least someone has enjoyed the Lockdown. Flowers on the Yucca Plant in Section L behind the Chapels better than ever.

Midsummer Walk - 23 June 2021

A beautiful evening in the company of Gordon Hindess welcomed back 30+ people to the Cemetery for a Guided Walk after an absence of over 12 months due to Covid restrictions. Treated to some of the new and old discoveries of the Friends over the past couple of years along with their up-to-date research.

Gravestone Cleaned to Former Glory - 23 June 2021

The iconic symbolic gravestone of John Rogers, situated in Section M near the Chapels, has been completed renovated and cleaned by the generosity of Architectural Stone and Simon Morgan.

Work Days are Back at the Cemetery - 29 May 2021

Some light seeding and clearing of a small area greeted back our Friends as we resumed Covid-protected workday duties back in the Cemetery after over a year.

Stories from the Cemetery at Cathays, Cardiff - 1 April 2021

The filming of "12 Stories from Cathays Cemetery, Cardiff" has been made possible by a grant from The National Heritage Lottery Wales and CADW to A48 Theatre Company and the writers of Living Lines.

Try out the link, you will find the plays are excellent.

Chapel Vestries Restored!- 12 March 2021

We are delighted to announce that thanks to all the hard work of Cardiff Bereavement Services both Vestries to the Chapels have now been fully restored to pristine condition. The work was sensitively carried out by Architectural Stone and we hope to be able to show them off at this year's Open Doors in September, Covid permitting. This was one of the long term goals of the Friends and its has finally been achieved. The Fantastic Photos are by kind permission of Simon Morgan, Morgans Consult.

Tree Damage at the Cemetery - 12 March 2021

One fir tree was blown down last night in the Storm. Photo: John Farnhill.

Photograph for Spring - 09 March 2021

This cheeky shot has been sent in with many thanks by our marvellous photographer, Rory Dewhurst.

It’s time to pick the world's favourite Green Flag Award park (and cemetery)! - 16 November 2020

Help us to be the world's favourite Green Flag Award park by voting for Cathays Cemetery in the People’s Choice Awards 2020

This year, more than ever, we have all come to understand just how important it is to have a great park or green space on our doorstep. They have been a place to escape to, to meet friends in, to exercise in or simply to have a quiet moment in. Now, to celebrate our fantastic parks the public is being asked to vote for their favourite award-winning park.

VOTE: Cathays Cemetery

Remembrance Day - 10 November 2020

Observing Covid-19 restrictions, this year's Remembrance Event was organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services. Wreathes were laid by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Cardiff Cllr Daniel De'Ath, Councillor Sarah Merry, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills on behalf of City of Cardiff Council, Mr Martin Birch – Bereavement Services Manager on behalf of all employees of City of Cardiff Council, Ivor Lippett for the Friends of Cathays Cemetery and the Walking Group, Representatives from Allensbank Primary School & Ysgol Mynydd Bychan on behalf of all children from Cardiff’s schools, Neil Lewis on behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission & Gary Lloyd on behalf of the Community Payback Scheme. Mr Alan Barter laid a wreath at the plaque for Capt Frederick Barter VC. The Service was conducted by Reverend Caroline Downs. The Bugler was Alan R Bourne JP BMus (Wales) FLCM ARCM ADWCMD Director of Music RAF St Athan.

Photos by kind permission of Gordon Hindess.


The Friends of Cathays Cemetery once again proudly congratulate Cardiff Bereavement Services for attaining the Green Flag and Heritage Green Flag Wards. In a year with so many obstacles to overcome it has been an amazingly outstanding achievement to be granted such a prestigious Award.

Update to the Nature Pages - 27 August 2020

Jonathan Prior has sent in a selection of excellent nature photos taken at the Cemetery and has given us permission to them display on our website.

Please reference to the following pages on the Wildlife tab to enjoy his work:

Butterflies, Flowers, Trees and Other Animals.

We hope to see futher examples of Jonathan's work in the future.

Champion tree Tilia 'Harold Hillier' at Cathays Cemetery - 16 July 2020

We have just been passed some fantastic news by the Cardiff Bereavement Services that Cathays Cemetery will have its first Champion Tree:

the Tilia 'Harold Hillier' which is located on the left, just inside the main entrance to the Cathays Cemetery, off Fairoak Road. According to the Tree Register there are no other such trees in Wales.

Full details and more up-to-date photos are available on the Cardiff Parks website

Good news from the lockdown at last.

Springtime - 23 January 2020

Sightings of Snowdrops, Crocuses and Primroses already this year. Has Spring really arrived so early?

I have been passed some fantastic news by the Bereavement Services that Cathays Cemetery will have its first Champion Tree:

New Bench - 24 November 2019

The Friends have contributed to a handsome new bench to be placed in front of Bishop Headley's Memorial.

Restoration of the Vestries - 24 November 2019

Architectural Stone have just begun the eagerly-awaited restoration to the interior of the two vestries either side of the Bell-tower. Cardiff Bereavement Services are funding the project and they intend to provide the Vestries as a facility for their popular Weddings service.

More Fungi at the Cemetery - 24 November 2019

If you have strolled through the Cemetery recently you could not have failed to notice the abundance of these large fungi. They are everywhere and seem to provide the birds with a festive feast, they love them. The cooler wet weather must have brought the fungi on.

The Bill Moseley Memorial Lecture - 19 November 2019

A Big Thank You to Roger Swan of the Cardiff Bereavement Sevices for presenting this year's Bill Moseley Memorial lecture entitled "A Brief History of the Victorian Cemetery". The Event attracted over 30 people.

Remembrance Day - 12 November 2019

The Friends and Walkers, again this year, participated in the Remembrance Event organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services. Wreathes were laid by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Cardiff Cllr Daniel De'Ath, Captain A J Richards of the 3rd Battalion the Royal Welsh, Cllr Sarah Merry, Cabinet Minister for Education, Employment and Skills on behalf City of Cardiff Council, Allensbank Primary School & Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, Mrs Sandra Evans Assistant Manager of Cardiff Bereavement Services, Mr & Mrs Birch on behalf of the Royal Marines Association, Mr Alan Barter at the plaque for Capt Frederick Barter VC and by Jean Sanford for the Friends of Cathays Cemetery and the Walking Group.

A Brief History of the Victorian Cemetery and walk - 20 October 2019

Roger Swan of Cardiff Bereavement Services led his popular annual walk around the Cemetery. And Jars of Honey were available from the cathays Cemetery Hives, and very nice too. Also not to be missed was the multitude of Fungi that was covering Section M close to the chapels.

RAISING OF THE GREEN FLAG - 17 September 2019

Due to the hard work of the Bereavement Services and other Groups, Cathays Cemetery, this year again had the Privilege of being awarded the Green Flag. The honour of hoisting the flag was given to our Chair , Paul Jones. The Event was attended by Councillor Michael, Bereavement Services and the Walking Group.

NEW DISPLAY BOARDS - 15 September 2019

Designed by Carmel Thomas - Bereavement Services and made by Morgan Consult. A new display board outlining timeline of the Restoration of the Chapels was erected with 50% funding from the Friends, next to the Green Flag outside the Chapels. A welcome addition to the Green Flag and the Heritage award.

CADW OPEN DOORS EVENT - 15 September 2019

On a pleasant Sunny day, the Public were given a chance to view The restored Cathays Cemetery Chapels, manned by the Friends. Also a guided walk by Roger Swan – Bereavement Services - and several other Cemetery walks conducted by Ivor Lippett, took place.

NEW PUBLICATION - 26 July 2019

Professor Curl is proposing to re-issue Loudon's cemetery volume "On the Laying Out, Planting, and Managing of Cemeteries; and on the Improvement of Churchyards", on a subscription basis.

A Special Pre-Publication Subscription Offer and Application form with further details is available here.

To See at the Cemetery - 26 July 2019

The Foxglove tree has just produced its leaf buds, remember the flowers come first earlier in the year. And the Bean Trees are just busting into flower.

A lovely evening of entertainment was supplied as usual by the Friend's Gordon Hindess. amassing a good crowd of over 50 people, we were treated to the stories behind the recently "discovered" notables such as Richard Penrose Kernick, famous for his cure-all pills and our local ROF casualty from WW2, Irene Thomas. Feedback was very encouraging. Well Done Gordon.


The Friends of Cathays Cemetery proudly congratulate Cardiff Bereavement Services for retaining the Green Flag and Heritage Green Flag Wards.


A lovely evening of entertainment was supplied as usual by the Friend's Gordon Hindess. amassing a good crowd of over 50 people, we were treated to the stories behind the recently "discovered" notables such as Richard Penrose Kernick, famous for his cure-all pills and our local ROF casualty from WW2, Irene Thomas. Feedback was very encouraging. Well Done Gordon.


A fair number of people braved the weather to take part in the annual Cathays Street Fayre. As usual the Friends had a presence in a gazebo erected outside St Monica's Church in Wales Primary School. Ivor gave a free guided walk around the Cemetery.

TULIP TREE - 11 June 2019

The Tulip tree is as beautiful this year as we've ever seen it. Its located in Section L.


The final performance contained another selection of people buried in the Cemetery, excellently researched and enacted as before. Well Done to everyone who took part. Take a look on their website A48 Theatre Company


The follow-up Event to last Thursday, as the weather was kind to us and the rain stayed away. Another fantastic dramatics extravaganza, with an audience in excess of 63. This year again the programme included another selection of notable peoples interred in the Cemetery and some important aspects of Victorian Cardiff.


We welcome back the extremely successful team-up of Bereavement Services, Living Lines and A48 Theatre Company for another totally new rendition of "Graveyard Voices". An outstanding evening of Drama, History and pure enjoyment. The Event is to be performed again on Sunday 9th June 2:00pm and Thursday 11th June at 7:30pm with the promise of many more personalities chosen from the rich array of Notable people buried at the Cemetery. Tickets available on the gate on the night. Definitely see you there.

Two New FoCC Booklets Now Available - 24 April 2019

The Friends have published 2 further titles relating to the Cemetery in their successful booklets series. These publications average 20 pages and are available for £1 at FoCC Events. Other titles in the Series are also still available - See the Publication page on the "Events & Links" tab.

Heritage Walk - 21 April 2019

A new season starts with an extremely hot day for the Bereavement Service's Heritage walk at the Cemetery. A group of 20 people were led by Roger Swan on a highly interesting walk around the more prominent graves.

Remembrance Day - 13 November 2018

On the Centenary of the cessation of hostilities that ended the Great War, the Friends participated in an Event organised by the Cardiff Bereavement Services. Wreathes were laid by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Cardiff Cllr Rose, Captain W Craig of the 3rd Battalion the Royal Welsh, Cllr Michael Michael, Cabinet Minister on behalf City of Cardiff Council, Allensbank Primary School & Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, Martin Birch Manager of Cardiff Bereavement Services, Mr & Mrs Birch on behalf of the Royal Marines Association, Mr Alan Barter at the plaque for Capt Frederick Barter VC and by Paul Jones for the Friends of Cathays Cemetery and Walking for Health Group. In the Evening the theme was continued with the Bill Mosley Memorial Lecture and a well-attended talk By Gary Williams, Western Front Association, on the topic of 1918 end of the Great War.

Another leg found at Cathays - 26 October 2018

It is amazing to think that only 5 years ago we had found one leg buried by itself in Cathays Cemetery, that of poor Mr Chivers, who was buried in a seperate grave in another section. It was thought uncommon and quite unique. How wrong could we be. A booklet was produced only last year on "The Five Legs of Cathays" as another four legs/limbs burials had been discovered. Well we can now add another, and plan a revision to our booklet, as another has been found belonging to a Mr Thomas Halbert, Master Mariner of 79 Grange Gardens. It seems that the leg was buried on 6 May 1911 in Plot number J831 but Mr Halbert sadly passed away a short while later and was buried in Plot H1 on 25 May 1911.

It has often been asked why a person would go through the expense of buying a plot to have his leg buried, but not actually have his other remains eventually buried in the same grave, Reunite-ing his body at some later date. The following article from 1900 gives some explanation as to their thinking at the time.



The disposal of the amputated limbs of two paupers, named King and Kelly, was inquired into at a meeting of the house committee of the Cardiff Board of Guardians on Tuesday. Mr. F. J. Beavan occupied the chair, Dr. Sheen, the board's medical officer, reported that the leg of the man Kelly was sent to the Pathological Department of the Cardiff Infirmary, and that of King was buried in the workhouse grounds. Mr. Pierce considered that the patients should be consulted as to the disposal of their limbs. He also objected to a limb being buried in the workhouse ground. "It must be horrible." remonstrated the speaker, "that a man should have his leg cut off inside a room and have it buried outside the window!" The man King, on inquiry as to what had become of his limb, was informed that it had been I' buried with another. Dr. Sheen replied that although it was the general rule at hospitals to bury amputated limbs with a body in the same coffin, it bid not been done in this case. He suggested that I all limbs should be cremated. The Rev. Father Brady said he thought that the limbs should be respectably buried. The Chairman: As we have funerals here frequently, I think we might have a separate box or coffin and deposit the limb in the cemetery. The master had reminded them that if they did that, it was possible the burial board would compel them to purchase a separate grave for it. Dr. Sheen: The question is a mere matter of expense. Mr. Charles Saunders agreed with Mr. Pierce that the patient should be consulted as to the disposal of their limbs. Dr. Sheen pointed out that nine out of ten persons who had their limbs amputated did not care a button what became of them. Mrs. Norman asked what was the rule as to the disposal of limbs at the infirmary. Dr. Sheen replied that they were generally buried with other bodies in the same coffin, and that was a common method of disposing of the limbs. Mr. Pierce: Then I protest against putting any limb in a coffin with another body. This man King was told that his leg was put in a coffin with the body of a yonng lady, and ha being a Catholic and she a Protestant be will never forget it as long as he lives. I do think that is a shame. The Chairman: But you have heard the explanation of the doctor that it was not buried in a coffin with another body at all. Mr. Mildon asked if they could not deal with the limbs in the same way as they did with the bodies of still-born children. The cost would be very small. Ultimately, after further remarks by Mr. Crossman, Mr. Saunders, and Mrs. Norman, it was resolved that in future the patients be consulted as to the disposal of their amputated limbs, and that if they required them to be interred at the cemetery that their request be carried out. The medical officer was given power to deal with dead limbs as he thought fit, if their owners expressed no definite desire or wish as to their disposal.

Weekly Mail 24 November 1900

Source : Welsh Newspapers Online

Sword of Sacrifice - 26 October 2018

In tribute to the Sacrifice of the soldiers in World War 1, a Roll of Honour of the burials under the Sword of Sacrifice has be added to our website and can be found here.

Honey Sales & Guided Walk & Talk - 21 October 2018

An eagerly awaited event - the sale of Cathays Cemetery honey took place this weekend along with Roger Swan's History of Victorian Cemeteries talk and walk. Attracting over 45 people on a beautiful autumn morning. A quote from the honeypot: This honey comes from my apiary in Cathays Cemetery. The Cemetery is a gem in the heart of Cathays, a fantastic habitat for bees and other wildlife, and the diversity of plants there gives the honey its unique flavour. Profits from the sale of the honey help fund the renovation and upkeep of the beautiful Cemetery buildings.

Open Doors - 16 August 2018

The rain stayed off for a pleasant afternoon walk around the Upper Cemetery. 46 people attended for a guided walk led by Ivor Lippett of the Friends of Cathays Cemetery.

Fungi Walk - 8 September 2018

Giant Polypore

Meeting at 11:00am at the Chapels, Gordon Hindess, Roger Swan (of Cardiff Bereavement Services) and myself (Paul Jones) took part in a Fungi walk arranged by Poppy Nicol of the Global Gardens Project, focussing on facts on the fungi kingdom and species diversity. The walk around Cathays Cemetery was guided by the fungi expert, Rich Wright (Glamorgan Fungi Group) along with Maria Golightly (Grow Wild Wales/Kew). After the very dry summer I would be surprised to see any fungi, but was pleasantly surprised. For a report on what we did find, see our fungi web page

Two New FoCC Booklets Now Available - 12 August 2018

The Friends have published 2 further titles relating to the Cemetery in their successful booklets series. These publications average 20 pages and are available for £1 at FoCC Events. Other titles in the Series are also still available - See the Publication page on the "Events & Links" tab.

Green Flag Award - 7 August 2018

We are exceptionally pleased to announce that Cathays Cemetery has been awarded the Green Flag Award for the Eighth year running. We can also announce that we have also been awarded the Green Heritage Site Award, one of only two cemeteries in the uk to have achieved this award, and one of only six locations in the whole of Wales. A large plaque has been placed next to the Green flag outside the Chapels to dissplay this award. Congratulations to all those involved, and again a enormous amount of hard work has gone in to achieveing these prestigious awards. Councellor Michael was present at the raising of the Green Flag on Tuesday 7th August along with Martin Birch, representing the Cardiff Bereavement Services, and Paul Jones, the Friends of Cathays Cemetery. Also attending were members of the Walking for Health group and many of the Cardiff Bereavement Services staff. Well Done everyone!

Trails & Tales Event - 20 June 2018

The follow-up Event to last week was even more sucessful with beautiful weather and fantastic dramatics, amassing an audience in excess of 40. This year the programme included another selection of notable peoples interred in the Cemetery and some important aspects of Victorian Cardiff.

Trails & Tales Event - 13 June 2018

We must congratulate Cardiff Bereavement Services, The University of South Wales & Living Lines on their performance of this eagerly awaited event. An outstanding evening of Drama, History and pure enjoyment. The Event is to be performed again next Wednesday 20th June with the promise of some more personalities chosen from the rich array of Notable people buried at the Cemetery. Well Done, really looking forward to next Wednesday. Tickets available on the gate on the night. See you there.

Barbier Archive Launch - 06 June 2018

Cardiff University kindly invited Representative of the Friends along to the Temple of Peace for the Launch of the Barbier Archive. The Reception was followed by an Exhibition and Talk on the Barbier/de Guelis families. A blue plaque was then unveiled to celebrate the life of SOE Agent Jacques Vaillant de Guelis at 3 Museum Place. Jacues de Guelis is buried in Cathays Cemetery and members of the family came from France to place flowers on his grave. As you are aware, Jacques de Guelis's headstone has been on the Heritage Walk for many years.

Midsummer Guided Heritage Walk - 05 June 2018

The Friends had a record number of 74 attend for a beautiful, informative, evening's heritage walk led by Gordon Hindess.

Two New FoCC Booklets Now Available - 03 June 2018

The Friends have published 2 more titles in their successful booklets series. These publications average 20 pages and are available for £1 at FoCC Events. Other titles in the Series are also still available - See the Publication page on the "Events & Links" tab.

New FoCC Information Boards - 23 April 2018

The Friends have just commissioned 3 new information boards which have been erected around the Old Cemetery. One illustrates James Howell of Howells store fame, whilst another shows the position of the Catholic Chapels and the third explains the achievements of the Conservation Area. We thank Morgan Consult and Bereavement Services for their help in this project.

Bereavement Services Heritage Walk - 22 April 2018

Another great event and exceptionally well attended, the Friends helped our associates, the Bereavemnt Services, with a rather pleasant tour of the Cemetery.

Cathays Street Fayre - 21 April 2018

This weekend the Friends took part in the highly successful Cathays Street Fayre with a Stand. The weather was fantastic and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themslves. Our Stand attracted much attention and thanks again to all our volunteers and support.

Mating Couple found in cemetery - 09 April 2018

Not surprisingly due to the recent Weather I spotted these two lovebirds down in the grass in Section V. A similar pair were resident last year - I wonder if they are the same couple.

Workday Planting - 09 April 2018

Back last year, the Friends planted many bulbs around the Chapels on a workday. The tulips are just starting to bloom and very impressive they are.

Victorian Tiling - 02 March 2018

Our Victorian tiling in the Chapels has now been restored to its former glory, by Pontcanna (Victorian) Tiling & Restoration.

Spring is Here - 20 February 2018

The Crocuses are now in full bloom as a carpet at their best in section N.

Redwing in the Cemetery - 12 December 2017

Flocks of Redwing and Fieldfare are now passing through the Cemetery as seen in this distant treetop photo.

Remembrance Day Service - 7 November 2017

Our annual Remembrance Day service took place today with visiting dignitaries including the Rt. on. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Bob Derbyshire, Cllr Michael Michael, Captain T Sobik of the 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh, pupils from Ysgol Mynydd Bychan and Allensbank Primary School and the Walking for Health Group. The service was led by Rev Lionel Fanthorpe. Bereavement Services did a wonderful job in organising the event. Relatives of the VC winner, Captain Frederick Barter also attended and laid a seperate wreath on his grave memorial. Jim Lister represented the Friends of Cathays Cemetery and laid a wreath.

Allensbank Primary School at Remembrance Day in Cathays Cemetery

Bereavement Services Walk - 22 October 2017

Roger Swan, of the Bereavement Services, gave a well-received presentation of "the History of the Victorian Cemetery" to approx 30 people in the Chapels, along with a short guided walk around the Cemetery. It should be noted that Cathays Cemetery Honey, produced by bees on site, was on sale for the very first time and was an absolute sellout.

New FoCC Booklets Now Available - 14 October 2017

The Friends are proud to announce 3 more titles in their booklets series. These publications average 20 pages and are available for £1 at FoCC Events. A final few copies of our first series; Tree Tale Trail, Murders, Symbolism and Shipowners are also still available.

New Bell Tower Gates - 15 August 2017

Visitors may have noticed the brand new Bell-tower gates added to the centre of the Tower. They nicely match the gates to the Cemetery on Richmond Road. A plaque to the donors has also been erected on the bell-tower wall.

Battle of Passchendaele 1917 -15 August 2017

We have searched the Memorials in Cathays Cemetery to find commemoration of the fallen of the Battle of Passchendaele. We have managed to locate two to date; Firstly, above Major John Angel Gibbs DSQ of the 9th Welsh Regiment, who died at the Battle of the Menin Road Ridge on 30 September (Plot No. M 461/M 482) and Secondly, Frederick Jukes, who was killed on 20th September 1917 at Hollebeke (Plot No. VL7).

Green Flag Award -25 July 2017

We are pleased to announce that Cathays Cemetery has been awarded the Green Flag Award for the Seventh year running. Congratulations to all those involved, a lot of hard work has gone in to achieveing this prestigious award.

Repaired Chapel Sign -25 June 2017

Some may have noticed that the sign outside the Chapels had been removed. It is now back, cleaned and fully restored, with additional QR code. The repairs were very kindly carried out by Mossfords.

Heritage Trail and Tales - 13 June 2017

A Bereavement Services event with the University of South Wales Arts and Drama students is now an eagerly awaiting annual event. A varied selection of events and people buried in the Cemetery were portrayed and their story told in an absorbingly different manner by the students. The very successful rendition was followed by Refreshments in the Chapel on a gloriously sunny evening.

The tremendous "Wonderbrass" provided the musical accompaniment.

Midsummer Guided Heritage Walk - 6 June 2017

Our very own, Gordon Hindess presented an excellent evenings entertainment with the Midsummer Guided Heritage Walk. New stories were added for the likes of Musician Thomas Edgley, Astronomer Arthur Mee, Mystery Lady, Claire Darras and "The Rifleman" William Gerrish. An annual event enjoyed by everyone.

Yellow Rattle in Bloom - 19 May 2017

Just before Christmas, the Friends helped sow the yellow rattle seeds and prepare the ground in Section L. Now its started to come to full bloom and looks gorgeous along with the yellow-flowered Birdsfoot Trefoil.

Fishlock's Choice - 09 May 2017

Watch our Cemetery coverage on Fishlock's Choice: Episode 4 on the Following link:

ITV Wales catch-up

John Farnhill & Ivor Lippett appear on the latest edition of Fishlock's choice, to dicuss aspect of the Cemetery and Cardiff in general.

Cathays Fayre - 02 April 2017

We had some really sunny weather for our first appearance of the year at the Cathays Fayre. Hundreds of people turned out for a Street Fayre organised by St Monica's Church in Wales Primary School.

John Farnhill alongside our display. Ivor Lippett and Paul Jones also attended. Ivor conducted an interesting Cemetery walk and opened up the Chapels.

10th Anniversary Event - 27 November 2016

The cake was made by Capital City Cakes.

Our special day started with the Raising of the Green Flag outside the Chapels.

This was followed by an excellent rendition from the Cardiff Arms Park Male Choir. Superb acoustics in the Chapel perfectly accompanied a fantastic compilation of melodies.

The presentations and celebrations included a highly detailed model of the now demolished Catholic Chapel, donated by Roger Martin to the Friends.

A big thanks to Simon Morgan of Mossfords who kindly supplied the Heritage Lottery banners.

The finale to a great day was provided by Denis Lennon and the cast from the University of Wales, who brought to life some of the stories behind the people buried at the Cemetery.

Many thanks to all the people who participated in the day and made it so special and a true Celebration in our Achievements over the last 10 years.

We must also thank Cardiff Bereavement Services and especially Carmel Thomas for their continued support and guidance, we could not have made the great Advancements without them.

Remembrance Service - 08 November 2016

This years Remembrance Service was organised by Cardiff Bereavement Services and led by Rev Lionel Fanthorpe.

Reading were made by the Ysgol Mynydd Bychan

and by Allensbank Primary School.

The Walking for Health group aided the reading of the names of the Fallen.

The Lord Mayor was also present. As was Cllr Bob Derbyshire, Cabinet Member for Environment, Lt Col Nigel Crewe-Read MBE and representing the Bereavement Services, Martin Birch.

At the Cemetery - 14 October 2016

An unusual high-rise mound of Mushrooms/Fungi found on our weekly walk on Tuesday last.

Transcription of the Burial Registers - 9 October 2016

The Friends proudly announce the completion of the transcription of the first volume of the Cathays Cemetery Burial Records covering St John's and St Andrew's parish for the period 10 Jul 1859 to 14 Jan 1886. Further updates will be posted as they are completed.

The files can be found at the bottom of the Burial Registers page.

Friends 10th Anniversary Year & Heritage Lottery Funding - 5 October 2016

The Friends of Cathays Cemetery are very pleased to announce that they have been allocated funds from the National Lottery. The monies will be used to produce a new book entitled : Hidden Histories Tales from Cathays Cemetery and is planned to be launched at an Event to be held in November. This will coincide with the Friends' 10th Anniversary.

Renovated Side Gates at Fairoak Road Entrance - 5 October 2016

The Bereavement Services latest impressive renovation to the Chapels is the removal and professional cleaning, repairing and repainting of the side gates. The work was carried out by Penybryn Engineering. side gates. We congratulate the Bereavement Services for the splendid work they have achieved. Meanwhile, scaffolding is in place for the continuing renovation of the Central Belltower which is expected to be completed in the next 4 weeks.

Living Memory Event - 19 July 2016

The Last Post was played simultaneously at the graves of two men buried in Wales who died from wounds sustained during the Battle of the Somme 100 years ago. The special commemoration, which was performed at Cathays by Katharine Lane, was played ahead of a Somme Commemorative event by the Welsh Proms. The touching graveside tribute is part of the CWGCs Living Memory Project, which was launched across the UK to remember the forgotten front. One of the graves is that of Lewington George Davis, 44th Battalion, Canadian Infantry, who died aged 17 and is buried in the Upper Cemetery at Cathays.

Link to full report: Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Damsel Flies Mating in the Conservation Area - 10 July 2016

Just to prove the Conservation areas are working.

Creeping cinqfoil.

Even the red clover looks smart!

Caterpiller of the Cinnabar Moth - 7 July 2016

Spotted the Caterpillers yesterday evening, feeding on the Ragwort in the Conservation area.

National Federation of Cemetery Friends - Newbury - 11 June 2016

Our Chair, Paul Jones, represented us at the annual NFCF event held at Newbury at the weekend. It was well attended by over 15 Friends groups and the Mayor of Newbury (on the left) introduced the day.

Trails & Tails - 7 & 14 June 2016

Another fantastic performance by the cast from the University of South Wales, covering some of the more well-known "residents" of the Cemetery.

A Second Foxglove Tree - 5 January 2016

Kindly donated by Gordon Hindess, the new tree was grown from seeds taken from the original tree. It was planted by the Bereavment Services just before Christmas.

First Primrose of 2016 - 5 January 2016

The unusual weather conditions and mild climate has certainly affected the fauna in the Cemetery.

Walking for Health - 15 December 2015

A photo taken today by Annie of the Walking for Health group in the Cemetery. Why not come and join us on Tuesday mornings at 10:30. We meet at the rear of Cathays Library - no charge.

Renovation of the Chapels - 13 December 2015

Due to the success of the "Crowd-funding" event undertaken by Bereavement Services, renovation has restarted with the inside of the Non-conformist chapel. It is hoped that a gas supply will be added for heating. Work is expected to continue until February 2016, when the Chapels will be again used for Burial services and other occassions. The Conformist Chapel is planned to be used as an information centre.

Made in Cardiff - 13 December 2015

Roger Swan has been on Made in Cardiff again. You can watch it online, it’s 5.15 minutes into Part 1 of ‘Hello Cardiff’ 9.30 edition 09/12/15.

Made in Cardiff

Graveyard Voices - 13 December 2015

The Graveyard Voices podcasts are now available on our web page Podcasts or via the link:

The Graveyard Voices ITunes

Graveyard Voices - 13 November 2015

An excellent introduction to the stories behind the people buried in Cathays, performed by the students from the University of South Wales and Wonderbrass.

Remembrance Service - 10 November 2015

The unveiling of a new monument to Company Sergeant Major Frederick Barter VC by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff , the Right Honourable David Walker, took place today.

Wreaths were laid at the Cross of Sacrifice
Capt Nathan Chronik represents the 3rd Batt The Royal Welsh
Allensbank Primary School & Ysgol Mynydd Bychan also took part.
Along with the Walking for Health Group
and we may be on "Made in Cardiff" TV programme tonight

Rev Lionel Fanthorpe conducted the Service, Mossford Ltd kindly provided the memorial base for the plaque.

Waxcaps in the Cemetery - October 2015

Waxcap fungi found in Section I of the Cemetery over the Weekend of 25th October.

In Europe, waxcap grasslands and their associated fungi are of conservation concern, since unimproved grasslands (formerly commonplace) have declined dramatically as a result of changes in agricultural practice. As a result, by 1993, 89% of European Hygrocybe species appeared on one or more national red lists of threatened fungi. In several countries, action has been taken to conserve waxcap grasslands and some of the rarer Hygrocybe species. In the United Kingdom, some grasslands have gained a measure of legal protection as Sites of Special Scientific Interest because of their waxcap interest.

Source: Wikipedia

Appeal hits £25,000 - October 2015

Our Appeal for funds for the Restoration of Cathays Cemetery Chapels has now reached over £25,000. But we still need you help.

See this link for more Details.

National Museum of Wales Exhibition in Cathays Civic Centre - October 2015

Thomas Henry Thomas (Artist) has recently been discovered as being buried in Cathays Cemetery in Section M (See People Listing).

You may like to know that there is currently an exhibition at the National Museum of Wales entitled "Thomas Henry Thomas (1839-1915) in Focus" on 29 September 2015–22 May 2016 Cost:Free. See this link for more Details.

The New Wild Flower Garden - August 2015

Some may have noticed the new Wild Flower garden on Fairoak Road. The roundabout near the Chapels has now been turfed over.

Poppies at the War Graves - August 2015

The poppies planted in the New Cemetery are now at their best. A fitting tribute to our CWGC site.

An Evening of Elizabethan Music - 16th July 2015

The Friends would like to thank everyone who helped make the Inaugrual Charity Concert, held in the Non-Conformist Chapel, a fantastic success on Thursday the 16th July. Nearly 50 people turned out to be treated to a performance by Alison Dite and Jeremy Kinglake-Jones on two Lutes. Alison had had a freak horse-riding accident back in 2013 and had used the Cemetery as an integral part in her rehabilitation programme for daily walks. To complete an excellent performance we were treated to a novel piece of lute-playing involving two players upon one lute. To follow, afterwards, wine and nibbles were served in the newly-decorated Anglican Chapel.

Restoration Works at the Cemetery - July 2015

The Bereavement Services and Mossfords have been busy in the Cemetery restoring two prominent memorials. Firstly a statue on the Tinsley memorial was being pushed off its pedestal by tree movement and growth and secondly Mossfords have restored the Sphere back on top of their Memorial near the Central pathway.

Before the Restoration

Also the Angel in plot A1263 has been mended and the fencing taken away from the Burrows grave.

FoCC Midsummer Guided Heritage Walk - 23rd June 2015

Gordon Hindress leads another outstanding annual Mid-summer tour of our recent discoveries around the Cemetery in the brillant sunshine. This year's highlights included James Howell, John Cory, the Quetta Earthquake, William Harpur, James Mullin and the Count de Lucovich.

Wembdon Road Cemetery Bridgwater visits Cathays - June 2015

20th June saw the visit of the Friends group from Bridgwater in Somerset. A group with very similar interest to ourselves. They have recently successfully undertaken a terrific job in restoring the Wembdon Road Cemetery back to its former glory.

Trails & Tales - Bringing the Past to Life - June 2015

The Bereavement Services have proudly presented their Trails & Tales Night in conjunction with Actors from the University of South Wales - a really excellent night out and an amusing compilation of biographies of the personalties buried in the Cemetery. We can recommend this to all age groups.

New Flooring Installed in the Chapels - June 2015

The New oak Flooring has now been installed in the Conformist Chapel - Really Smart!

49th Scouts Group Visit to Cathays Cemetery - 8 June 2015

Today we welcomed a visit of 15 scouts from the 49th Scouts Group who undertook some exercises at the Cemetery towards their Scout badges.

Green Flag Award Sign - June 2015

A new Green Flag sign appears at the Cemetery to further indicate our prestigious Award.

Cardiff Story Exhibition - June 2015

The Friends are hosting an exhibition on the Cemetery at the Cardiff Story in the Hayes from 1 June to the end of August. Entry is free.

Tulip Tree Flowers - June 2015

The Tulip Tree is now in full blossom.

Cardiff Walking Festival - May 2015

Today, Tuesday 12th May, S4C were covering our Walk at the Cemetery. It is hoped to be aired at 7PM on Thursday 14th May.

Wales Remembers the Irish Great Hunger 1845-1851 - May 2015

As part of the Global Irish Great Hunger Commemorations, events have taken place in Nova Scotia, Liverpool, Boston, Sydney, New York, Dublin and for the first time in Belfast. Cardiff was also selected to take part.

Speaking to Mr John Sweeney, retired Chairman Wales Famine Forum, he said his family came to Cardiff in 1847 and his relatives are buried in Section C of Cathays Cemetery.

The Ceremony lasted about 45 minutes and comprised of Irish music and readings from articles on the Famine and the Irish community in Wales.

A booklet of the Event may be found here: Irish Great Hunger

Blossom - May 2015

The Foxglove tree looks beautiful at this time of year. And so does the Laburnum trees, if you search for them.

100 Years - April 2015

I came across this non-standard commonwealth wargrave this week, quite appropriate as its the 100th anniversary of his death and only 17.

A local boy from Theodora Street, Roath.

The First Bluebells - 14 April 2015

The Sunshine seems to have brought on the First Bluebells to be seen in the Cemetery this year.

and the odd Jay.

and the usual blossom.

New Pews for the Chapels - April 2015

The Friends of Cathays Cemetery are proud to announce the purchase of 10 Victorian Pews from St. Catwg's, Pentyrch. This continues the renovation process at the Chapels undertaken by the Friends and the Bereavement Services.

Unfortunately the original pews in the Chapels were beyond restoration.

The Primroses are Out - April 2015

Shakespeare Comes to the Cemetery - March 2015

Today, Monday 9th March 2015 we were treated to "Selections from Shakespeare" at Cathays Cemetery.

The Drama & Theatre Students from the University of South Wales, Cardiff, presented a collection of different scenes of promenade/walk-through performances from a handful of William Sharepeare's most famous plays.

Each scene was performed by Drama & Theatre students in their second and third year of study at the University of South Wales, Cardiff Atrium campus.

The very entertaining and high-standard extracts were taken from Romeo & Juliet, Richard III, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth & Hamlet.

Remembrance Day 2014

A service was held by the Cross of Sacrifice next to the World War 1 graves in the Upper Cemetery.

Wreaths were laid by the Right Honourable Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Capt. James Marden on behalf of the 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh, Ivor Lippett on behalf of the Friends of Cathays Cemetery and the Walking for Health Group, Mrs Wilson from Allensbank Primary School on behalf of all children from Cardiff's schools and Mr Martin Birch, Operational Manager Bereavement Services on behalf of all employees of City of Cardiff Council.

The service was conducted by Rev Lionel Fanthorpe.

A roll of honour was read out by the school-children and the Walking Group to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War.

New Finds - September 2014

The Friends have been busy on research recently and have found a number of notable people's graves in the Cemetery.

Firstly Ephraim Turner, founder of E Turner & Co, the company that built most of Cardiff's Civic Buildings. The original monument was removed during the lawn conversion in the 1970s. Unfortunately the replacement gravestone has toppled over, but Bereavement Services hope to have it erected back to upright very shortly.

Mr James Howell, one of the richest men in Cardiff and founder of the Departmental Store. Hidden under a dense layer of foliage for many years and unreadable.

Mary Andrews, first wife of Soloman Andrews, builder of the covered market in Cardiff High Street.

William Frame, architect of the Animal wall at Cardiff Castle.

and William Harpur, surveyor of Roath and Victoria Parks.

Both Photos by Kind permission, Mark of:

Green Flag Award 2014-15 - July 2014

Alan Staniforth, Bereavements Services, and Paul Nicholson, Chairman of the Friends of Cathays Cemetery, today, Wednesday 30th July, received the Green Flag Award on behalf of the Cemetery.

Mid-Summer Heritage Walk - June 2014

Over 57 people turned out for a gloriously sunny evening to be treated to the Friends Mid-Summer Walk led by Gordon Hindess.

Wild Flowers & Poppies - June 2014

The Wild flowers are now in full bloom and this fantastic display is the result of last years seed planting.

Bill Mosley - March 2014

Sadly, we have to report that our chairman, Bill Mosley, died suddenly, and completely unexpectedly, on Saturday 15th March. He had only just been elected to his third term of office at the end of January and had continued to be committed to Friends' activities. One of his last tasks was to put the final touches to the current edition of “Not So Grave News” which was ready to be issued.

Bill was a very hands on Chairman and will be sorely missed. To those who knew him well, he was not just a member of the Friends, he was a good personal friend.

Progress on the Work on the Chapels - March 2014

The Tuesday morning walking group investigates the inside of the chapel.

The templates being made for the window panes.

Works progresses on the Non-Conformist Chapel.

Burial Plot Maps - March 2014

The plot maps to the Old and New Cemeteries are now available under The Cemetery Tab above.

Some maps are now available in colour with the paths laid out for easier identification. More to follow.

Work well under way on the Chapels - March 2014

Work has started on the two chapels in the Cemetery with a completion date of the end of March 2014.

Both Chapels will have "floating" floors, heating, lighting, water and rendered walls. There will also be disabled access. Windows are being replaced with anti-vandalism perpex as the originals were made of clear glass.

Cathays Cemetery raises the Green Flag - 22th October 2013

Cathays Cemetery were again awarded the prestigious Green Flag award that entitles them to fly the Green Flag over the site for the next year.

A full report is given on the Cardiff Bereavement Website at:

Cardiff Council

Senghenydd Colliery Disaster - Walk 15th October 2013

Photo by David Singleton

October 14th 2013 saw the 100th anniversary of the Sengheydd Mining Disaster and the Friends lead a walk on the Tuesday after to commemorate the 9 or so miners who are buried in Cathays Cemetery. The walk was lead by Gordon Hindess and included his latest research on the subject. The Bereavements Services specially marked and indicated the graves for the occassion.

Photo by Gordon Hindess

The Rowans in Full Blossom - September 2013

The Wildflower Garden - In front of the Chapels

Some Trees to Look out for - June 2013

Farges' Catalpas (Bean Tree) Farges' Catalpas Blossom
Golden Fruited Rowan Golden Fruited Rowan Berries

Commonwealth war graves information signs

Two brand new information panels have been installed in the New Cemetery next to the Cross of Sacrifice.

Spring is here at last

The Primroses and Wild Anemones are now in abundance at the Cemetery. A yellow carpet of Primroses can be enjoyed in many sections.

Commonwealth war graves: 8,000 Wales plots signposted

Cathays Cemetery in Cardiff will have more in-depth historical information signs.

New Newsletter Now Available

Please note that the Latest Newsletter 14 is now available from our News - Newsletters tab above

Family visit grave of tragic Victorian balloonist

Relatives of Louisa Maud Evans (left to right) Stephanie Williams, Frances Tripp and Lynda Channing lay flowers at her grave in Cathays Cemetery.

The relatives of a teenage girl killed in a tragic ballooning accident during the Cardiff Exhibition of 1896 have visited her city grave for the first time.

Fourteen-year-old Louisa Maud Evans ascended in a balloon in a crowd pleasing stunt that was part of the Exhibition, intending to descend by parachute.

But Louisa, who had given herself the stage name Mademoiselle Albertina, had never attempted the stunt before, and when she went up in the balloon on July 21, she was blown into the Bristol Channel by the wind.

She was seen jumping from the balloon and landing in the water, but her body was found near Nash in Newport three days later.

A newspaper report into her inquest said she had told aeronaut Auguste Gaudron she was 20-years-old, and an experienced gymnast. The coroner recorded a verdict of "accidentally drowned".

She was buried in Cathays Cemetery, and the people of Cardiff were so moved by what happened to her that a memorial stone was bought for her by public subscription.

Louisa's story has been told many times over the last 116 years, but in the last two months the Friends of Cathays Cemetery were contacted by three of Louisa's ancestors, who came to Cardiff to visit her grave for the first time today.

Sisters Stephanie Williams, 63, and Lynda Channing, 60, both from Bristol, are the great nieces of Louisa Maud Evans, but only discovered her story two months ago when they began to look deeper into a mysterious family story, and found that their grandfather Albert Stephen Baker, was Louisa's half brother.

Stephanie said: "Our older sister Shirley told a story that was told by our grandfather, and said when she was talking to him he got upset about a ballooning accident. He said his young sister was killed in a ballooning accident in Cardiff, but we never really knew any more. In later years, we thought more about it, and it was not until we found the Friends of Cathays Cemetery website that it all became clear."

The sisters and their cousin Frances Tripp were greeted by the Friends of Cathays Cemetery for their visit today and left flowers at Louisa's grave, but they also revealed that the teenager was not the only family member to have an exotic past with travelling shows and the circus.

Other family members with unusual professions included Caroline Butcher - the sister of Louisa's adoptive mother Mary Crinks - who was a famous tight rope walker in the 1860s.

Stephanie and Lynda also remembered their father fondly referring to "Great Aunt Lizzie the lion tamer", who was married to William Kayes - also known as Buff Bill - a knife thrower and sharp-shooter. Censuses also list family members' occupations as acrobats and comedians.

But yesterday's visit, said the family, was made on behalf of Stephanie and Lynda's grandfather - and to remember Louisa.

"She was loved," said Lynda. "Our grandfather did love her, he made that clear and he was very sad when she was killed. We never knew her, but it's part of our family history, and we probably would've known her if she'd lived. We can show we still care after all these years."